Changing text language in wp comments


How can I change “Leave A Comment” text to “Jätä Kommentti” and “Your Comment” text to “Kommentoi…”?

I already managed to change the submit button text.

Theme Ethos

Hi There,

You can translate all strings from x.pot file, please use Poedit translations editor. For more guidance check this:

Other option is to add the following code on your child theme’s functions.php file:

   add_filter ('gettext', 'x_translate_text', 99, 3 );

    function x_translate_text ( $translated_text, $text, $domain ) {

   $translation = array (
       'Leave A Comment' => 'Jätä Kommentti',
        'Your Comment' => 'Kommentoi...'

   if( isset( $translation[$text] ) ) {
      return $translation[$text];

   return $translated_text;


Hope this helps.


The code doesn´t work in child theme´s functions.php file. So any other ideas? I´m not familiar with poedit so I would like to use code in functions.php.

I managed to change the submit button text by adding this to the code you send:

$translation = array (
‘Submit’ => ‘Lähetä’

But the other two texts won´t change with the code you send.

Hello There,

Thanks for updating in! Please have the code updated and make use of this code instead:

 add_filter ('gettext', 'x_translate_text', 99, 3 );

    function x_translate_text ( $translated_text, $text, $domain ) {

   $translation = array (
       '<span>Leave a Comment</span>' => '<span>Jätä Kommentti</span>',
        'Your Comment *' => 'Kommentoi...'

   if( isset( $translation[$text] ) ) {
      return $translation[$text];

   return $translated_text;


Hope this helps. Please let us know how it goes.