Change "Category Archive" To a Different Name in Ethos


Currently if a user search on the website the results would appear as “Category Archive” I would like to change this to another term: “Destination” or better still the “Search term” itself. Thank you.


Hi there,

Please kindly take the steps you would do to translate the theme but instead of translating to another language, just change it to whatever wording you like. For more information:

Thank you.

Hi, I don’t want to translate the whole website. I just want to change these words:

<h1 class="h-landmark"><span>Category Archive</span></h1>

Instead of showing Category Archive it should show hatever category that was clicked upon.


Sorry for the confusion.

You can change it by adding an Archive Title in Edit Category Page.

Hope that helps.

Thank you very much!

You are most welcome. :slight_smile: