Change background color?

Hi there.
This is my first time seeking support with this new theme .
First question.
How do I change the background color behind the logo?
And how do I edit that area? I want to add images in there, links, change the height etc.

Hello @Aus-Digital-Media,

Thank you for purchasing our theme! :slight_smile:

You can change the background color including the navigation colors by going to X > Launch > Options > Ethos.

With regard to the images, links and etc. you may edit them by going to X > Launch > Options > Header.

Hope it helps.

Thanks for the reply. With regard t adding links in the header. Do we do that with widgets? The customer wants some text and images with links in the header near the logo.

PS. Please change the forum settings so that I can upload screenshots from retina displays without having to downsize them each time.

Hey Will,

Regretfully, X can only have the logo and navigation in the Navbar. It is possible to place links in the Topbar like in our Integrity 5 demo. Here’s the usage instructions for the Header.

Based on your design, it would require a lot of custom coding in X while that can be achieved without coding in Pro. To achieve that setup, you might want to upgrade to Pro which has a Header and Footer builder.


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