Central typography doesn't work properly

Hi there!
I have difficulties with the new layout cornerstone/inspector…

When I change custom/customizer/typography there´s only half result on my page content. The font family changes, but the font weight and color does not.

I put H1-H4 in the custom/customizer/global css, so this works fine. But it is true, that I can’t change anything on theses headlines within the inspector? For example I wanted to center the text, in the inspector, but nothing changes. I had to change it in the css.

How should it work?

Thanks Kerstin

Hi there,

Thanks for writing in.

Please check this thread https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/body-font-in-pro/13261/12?u=kory

And yes, there is no option with text alignment so you should add them through CSS, or if the builder’s element has alignment option then use it.


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