Cannot customize my site it only gives me the revolving X load screen

I still have not received any help yet on rectifying being able to customize on my site. The customizer does not load and this is a recent occurrence, it has worked in the past. Please advise!


To give you some work around, you could post some logins details in a secure note and we`d be happy to take a look.

P.S: You can search by “secure note” on this article if you don`t know about this:

I have the same issue. please review mine as well

Hi There,

Please validate X

Please update X and Cornerstone to the latest versions.

Let us know how it goes.

is there a recent update for this? what’s the latest one? mine’s doing the same.

Try this, it worked for me.

delete x theme and cornerstone , redownload x theme then validate your theme. cornerstone will be automatically downloaded.

Hey @Kalia,

Thanks for updating in!
We’re glad that you have figured out to resolve your issue. We really appreciate for letting us know.

Do you still have issues in your site? Please make sure that you are up to date. You can download the latest X 5.1.1 and Cornerstone 2.0.6 from the dashboard. There are times the customize screen will just loads endlessly. Mostly a loading screen would probably because you have exhausted your PHP memory limit. By default, WordPress will attempt to increase memory allocated to PHP to 40MB (code is at the beginning of /wp-includes/default-constants.php) for single site and 64MB for multisite, so the setting in wp-config.php should reflect something higher than 40MB or 64MB depending on your setup.

To increase your WP memory limit, please follow the instructions here:

Please let us know how it goes.

I just checked my with my host on this, and I’m having similar issues with the X loading screen. this was their response:


Your server is actually running PHP 5.6 with a memory limit of
128MB by default. Their concern of 40MB limit should not be an issue for

Thank you,
pair Networks, Inc.


Please open a new thread with your issue with details and provide your wp admin credentials in a new post.


done did.

Thank you.
We will be responding that thread shortly.