X loading screen stuck

I just checked my with my host on this, and I’m having similar issues with the X loading screen not going to the editor. this was their response when I asked my host to up mt PHP limit:


Your server is actually running PHP 5.6 with a memory limit of
128MB by default. Their concern of 40MB limit should not be an issue for

Thank you,
pair Networks, Inc.


Disable all the plugins and check if you found any plugin conflict.

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obviously didn’t use the credentials I supplied because this is a fresh install and there are no plugins active.

Hello JC,

I have logged in and tested Content editor and the Pro panel. It took a while before it loads; http://prntscr.com/g1o3gw, http://prntscr.com/g1o3pi

This could be caused by PHP memory limit exhaustion. Please keep in mind that even if your server has already being set at 128MB, Wordpress on the other hand will ONLY attempt to increase memory allocated to PHP up to 40MB (code is at the beginning of /wp-includes/default-constants.php) for single site and 64MB for multisite, so the setting in wp-config.php should reflect something higher than 40MB or 64MB depending on your setup. You must explicitly define the 128MB memory in your wp-config.phpm so that WordPress will expand the use of the PHP memory.

To increase your WP memory limit, please follow the instructions here:

Please let us know how it goes.

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I’ve done this – upped the memory to 128MB as instructed. It’s still taking forever to load.

Hello There,

I have logged in again to your site and created a test page. I no longer encounter any issues and was able to create the test page.

Please check your site again.

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