Add introduction to Portfolio Page

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It turns out this functionality is confusing to our website users.
Is it possible to add an instruction paragraph to the portfolio so that we can state:

Each Portfolio page will load max 24 items, which can then be filtered.
i.e. if you want to see all ‘Roles’ you will have to go to page 1 - filter by Roles, then go to Page 2 a filter by Roles. i.e. visit BOTH pages.

Can you advise how I could do this.

Many thanks

Hello @markw1,

Thank you for a detailed post information.

Simply update the PHP code and use this instead:

add_action( 'x_before_view_global__portfolio', 'x_print_html' );
function x_print_html(){ ?>
  <div class="custom-content">
    <p>Each Portfolio page will load max 24 items, which can then be filtered i.e. if you want to see all 'Roles' you will have to go to page 1 - filter by Roles, then go to Page 2 a filter by Roles. i.e. visit BOTH pages.</p>

  <?php echo do_shortcode( '[x_portfolio_filters]'); ?>
<?php }

We would love to know if this has worked for you. Thank you.

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