Add check box to checkout if this is a Gift

I would like to add a checkbox to my check out that my customer can check if it is a gift. I got the checkbox to show on my checkout page but I’m not sure how to make sure it shows on my invoice and packing slip if they check the box.

Also for the Name I put billing_gift . Lable I put Check this box if this is a gift. We will not put our Logo on the outside of the box. Type I put Checkbox Class I put form-row-wide

You can see it if you put anything in your cart.

Hi @odsadmin,

Thank you for writing in, are you using the Woo Checkout Editor extension? Instead of using the checkbox, please use the Radio so you can have a yes or no option, unlike checkbox that only gives a 1 value. And please add your gift field in Extra Fields, not in Billing fields so it will show up on the Order details page.

Hope it helps,

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