404 Cornerstone Error

Hi Valentina,

Your issue seems to be related to this thread (https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/elements-404-error-permalink-issue-how-to-fix/48221/14). Could you please review information there and contact your hosting provider accordingly.

Hope that helps.

I’ve reported to the web hosting and asked to check… They will update me tomorrow!
Meanwhile, thank you for the support and patience, hope to fix soon! :slight_smile:

You are most welcome. :slight_smile:

Hi Prasant,

The hosting support says that mod-rewrite was already enabled on apache, and that it is not on them…
What can I do?

Thank you

Hey Valentina,

I see. In this case, this could be something in your htaccess that is causing this. Would you mind trying this last test before we proceed with checking your WordPress setup.

Rename the .htaccess file that could be found in the root folder where you installed WordPress to .htaccess-bak. Then in WP Admin Menu, go to Settings > Permalinks and just click the Save Changes button.

If that does not still help, please give us WordPress Admin and FTP access in a Secure Note.


Ok, I’ve tried, renamed the .htaccess file, saved and then retried, but it doesn’t work anyway… under this reply I’ll give the access details

Hello Valentina,

Thanks for updating the thread. :slight_smile:

Can you please confirm the URL as that hasn’t been shared?


Yes, my fault :slight_smile:

Hello Valentina,

Thanks for updating the thread.

Can you please confirm the URL. Upon clicking on the URL you have shared, I do get the login (broken) page and after entering the details it gets redirected to following URL and error message. This site can’t be reached.


The hosting support is checking! I’ll let you know as soon as they reply… meanwhile thank you :slight_smile:

You’ re welcome! :slight_smile:


Can you please connect with anydesk?

Hello Valentina,

Thanks for asking. :slight_smile:

As of today we provide support only via Apex forum. Unfortunately we won’t we able to connect via Anydesk as we are not allowed to do so.

Thanks for understanding.

Hello Prasant,

Ok, no problem. We’re working on “going online” with the website since it’s an internal hosting.

Hello Valentina,

Thanks for updating the thread. :slight_smile:

Please take a look at the solution mentioned in the following thread and let us know how it goes.


Hello Prasant,

I’ve already done it, and it says as mentioned before any time i try to edit a page with cornerstone.
When i click on “cornerstone” in the menù it goes to http://URL/x/#/content

The hosting support of my company has some strict rule about connection from the outside and, while they fix it, they asked me to understand what they should do to fix the problem. Can you please tell me what else should we try?
I’ve seen there’s the section “custom path” in the settings of cornerstone, now it’s setted as /x/
Is it correct?

Thank you

Hi Valentina,

That’s normal, when you try to edit a page it goes to something like this /x/#/content/36/layout. That is how it works.

Can you try setting the custom path to blank.

Please also check your site url and wordpress url under Settings > General and make sure it’s the same and is set to your url(https://www2.XXXXX.it)

or if you are not able to go to that page, you can try adding this in your wp-config.php file.

define( 'WP_HOME', 'http://example.com' );
define( 'WP_SITEURL', 'http://example.com' );

Change example.com with your site url.

After that, install this third party plugin then do a search and replace

Search for http://10.xxx.xx.100
Replace with https://www2.xxxxxx.it

Hope that helps

Hi Paul,

The problem is the last time I tried to change wordpress address and site address in www2.kelyan.it I could not access anymore and had to “go back” manually…

Hi Valentina,

To further assist you with this issue, we need to be able to login and check it ourselves.

Is there any way you can disable ip restriction or copy your site to where we can have access.


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