Yoast SEO Analysis

Evening chaps!

Any further news on this as yet? Although it’s only a tick-box exercise it’s very useful when you have a large site to optimise.


Hi There,

Unfortunately no news regarding this issue yet.

Thank you.

Just popping up to say I’m looking forward to seeing Yoast working with the V2 content elements :smiley:

Duly Noted.
Best Regards.

@RueNel - Can you please set this thread to not close until this issue has been fully resolved and you have posted here to confirm as much? Just want to be sure we get to a full resolution in this thread and it doesn’t get lost.

Thank you!

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Hey @sAustinPower,

We’ve added this thread in our issue tracker so it won’t get lost.


Threads will automatically close 10 days after the last reply. It’s not part of our process to keep feature request threads open because to be transparent not all requests are implemented. This request however is important to us, and while I can’t give an ETA to when it will be implemented, it’s something that I can confirm is part of our issue tracker and will be properly investigated.

Thanks @christian_y and @alexander - can you provide a link to the issue tracker so we can see the progress there? Just don’t want this to close prior to a resolution and then have to dig around to find where this has been resolved and the details.

Appreciate it!


We are sorry but our issue tracker is internal and only visible to staff and developers.

Rest assured that this is already in our list and that our developers are working hard for a resolution in our end.

As stated by my colleague, kindly note that this does not have an impact on your site SEO. Everything outputs correctly on the front end. The only problem is that Yoast checker can’t properly access content of our V2 elements.


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@paul.r Completely understand. My issue here is that this thread is most likely going to close before you have a resolution to this issue, and then anyone that tries to find this information at a later date (including myself when trying to find out if this is fixed) is going to run into a dead end. Can you or another Staff member post to this thread periodically even after it closes to keep everyone informed of progress and an eventual resolution? I really don’t want this to close and then have to open up a new thread just to ask about the status.

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Hi @sAustinPower

Unfortunately, we cannot commit to that.

You can follow the the improvements on our changelog.


Even if this thread closes you can always open a new one and refer to this one.

Thanks for understanding.

Second that!

@james.isilay … Thanks for your input.

Guess we just have to keep bumping the thread ourselves, then :wink: I definitely want to see a resolution to this as well. I use Yoast for all my sites and I know many people that do as well, so this is very important to me.


Thanks for letting us know.

Stay tuned!

It’s pretty ridiculous that you guys haven’t included a viable SEO option for cornerstone. It makes it that much less attractive to use, period. Claiming to have SEO out the box is pretty arrogant. I love X Pro, don’t get me wrong, but many of us want to know for sure that we can deliver the exact results we want and be in control of SEO and Page Speeds and such. You guys clearly know we want to use Yoast or have an alternative that can work properly for our clients and ourselves and yet it feels as if everything else is worked on but this. Sigh. I’m already prepared for the stock response. Happy Holidays folks.

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Hi @Cizzurp215,

It shouldn’t affect your site’s actual SEO setup as this only affects how Yoast analyzes your site. SEO Yoast checks and analyzes what’s within your backend, whereas the actual Search Engine has no access. Search engines only crawl the visible part of your site, and that’s the front (not the backend and database entries).

Perhaps you may able to share more information about your site’s SEO issues, does it has issues with search engines and unable analyze it? I can add them to our issue tracker too :slight_smile:


The thing is, we want to analyze our site with Yoast or something similar which is why there are 100 posts about it. Before V2 we were fine doing so. Please listen to your customers. I know how SEO works.

Hello There,

We do listen to our customers. That is why this has been added to our feature request tracker stated by Alex in his response above. Our developers will be investigating this and will be giving updates regarding this issue in the upcoming release updates.

Thank you for your understanding.

I dont Understand this… Yoast works technicaly, Google can read the output and all works. ONLY the Word Counter doesnt work. But… Yoast works with your Output not with the intern Editor. ONE little Bug… Give it Time, X / Pro are not made for Yoast. In this time is the Template Manager in focus by Themeco.