Xtheme Pro Custom Header Fixed/Transparent for Navigation Inline bar?

After creating a custom header I can not find a way to keep the ‘navigation’ element ‘Navigation Inline’ FIXED to the top of the screen when scrolling, like the normal navbar menu does. How do I do this within Headers/Bar/Container/Navigation Inline?

Or is there any other way to fix the main navmenu to a custom header other than inside a bar? The basic instructions at https://theme.co/docs/how-to-set-up-navigation don’t cover too much, but this should easily be possible.

This is a local dev site. Thanks.

Hi @vpmllc,

Thanks for writing to us.

To fix the bar in the header, you just need to set ON the Sticky Bar options.

In header the structure goes like Bar > Container > Elements, so any elements can be added to the container.

You can learn more about on Header and Footer in this article

Hope it helps.


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