X Pro - Navigation inline active menu underline

Hey there,

i’ve checked some posts here but couldn’t find a solution, i want to have my navigation inline in header builder to underline the active menu item. I’ve tried the particles but this gives me just a border on hover.

Any ideas?


Hi Pierre,

Thanks for reaching out.
In the navigation Inline you need to activate the Primary Particle option for the Active Link and adjust the value of the attribute from Top Links > Primary Particle as shown in the given screenshot.

image (71)

Hope it helps.

Hey Tristup,

thanks for your help, i’ve got a underline but its on the end of the element. I try to underline the menu link:

Any ideas?


Hello Pierre,

Please set your height to at least 2.5em.

If this does not work, kindly provide us your WP access so that we can check your element settings.

Best Regards.

Hello Ruenel,

that’s working - thanks! We’re getting there, just another small issue - how do i make the particles to just underline the text? Now it’s using the whole element width. I can set the particle with to like 80% but i want to underline each menu text 100%.

Any ideas?


Hello Pierre,

Still in the Navigation Inline > Top Links settings, set the left/right padding to 0 and add a left/right margin instead to separate the menu items like this:

And then Turn Off the 5 pixels Text margin.

Best Regards.

Works perfect, thanks a lot - great support :slight_smile:

You’re welcome, Pierre.

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