WordPress Responsive Image Support

Does the current version of Pro support WP responsive images? If not, is there a way to set different images per device using the Cornerstone responsive controls or create a srcset?

Hi Kevin,

Thanks for reaching out.
The Pro always support WP responsive images to show the different size images in different breakpoints. Please elaborate more, if you are pointing to something else.


Hi Tristup,

I am looking to have different full-width background images set in a row. Certain breakpoints will need the image to be closer to 4:3 to keep the people in the image from bad crops.

Outside of Cornerstone, usually you would use a srcset to have the browser load different images at different breakpoints. Cornerstone fit and background images controls don’t seem to have responsive settings in Pro 6.1.2. Also in the past, Themeco had stated the WP responsive image feature was disabled in Cornerstone/Pro.

Hello Kevin,

Please check out the response of @Alexander on this thread:


I will take a look at this. Is this filter still available? The post mentioned it would be revisited after the theme option reboot cycle, which was released prior to the Pro 6.x UI refresh.


Hi Kevin,

The mentioned Hook still works. You can let us know if you get any problems while using the Hook.


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