Wordpress Language Bug

Hello could any one try to help me solve an issue on my website please?

My wordpress website language is hebrew, and i tried to change the language to english and from some reason when i do it doesnt change it to english, the dashboard remain hebrew

if you could help me solve it i will be thanksfull, just want it to be fixed so i could change languages on wordpress dashboard settings

Hi There,

Thanks for the info!

I can able to change the language successfully.

Here is a article how to change the language.

Let us know if this is something you are looking for.


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Hi basanta thanks for your reply.
it seems that when you change the language all goes english but when i do it remains hebrew, if you succeeded changing it and i dont means its probably something with my browser perhaps ?

Screenshot>> http://prntscr.com/iizfzm

Hi there,

Please try editing your site’s wp-config.php and find something similar to this

define( 'WPLANG', 'de_DE' );
define( 'WP_LANG_DIR', dirname(__FILE__) . '/wordpress/languages' );

Remove them and test it again, or change it to English (en_US).


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Hey rad, no i dont have such line in wp-config.php

Hi there,

I accessed your website and changed the language to English and it is English now and left to right.

It must be something related to your browser. Anyway now it is English and you can see it on the Dashboard.

Thank you.

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Thanks but the dashboard still presented in hebrew

Hi there,

It’s English from my end, could you try it on another device?


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Hey Rad, i have tried even in other browser such firefox aswell as chrome and still the dashboard is hebrew http://prntscr.com/ijl6p9

Hello There,

I have logged and I am seeing it in English. Please clear your browser cache or use private browser mode (Incognito) and test your site again. Please do not forget to delete browser cookies as well.

Please let us know how it goes.

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