Woo commerce fix errors (size, GST, shape) and add options (free delivery after ..)


We need admin login to be able to check on this.



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Ok i switched the role to administrator

Hello There,

You have a modified WordPress dashboard. X > Overview is removed also. You may access the X options from here: Appearance > Theme Options

I am not sure if you have a multi site set up or some of your WordPress sections were removed such as Posts. Maybe this is why X > Overview is nowhere to be found.

By the way, I can see that you are using an older version of X 4.6.4. You may update to the latest and more stable version X 5.2.5. You should be able to update it if you have DashBoard > Updates. You may need to manually update the theme. Please check how to manually update the theme from this knowledge base article:

Hope this helps.

Thank you yess it did the trick.

I followed the following thread instructions:

I did it through wordpress and ftp
I changed it to a different theme
then deleted the x theme ( do not delete your x-child folders they will automatically show up once x is back)
Then tried to install the x.zip from new themes upload and got a ini.php error
logged into ftp and dragged the extracted contents into the themes folder and renamed it x
then went back to wordpress dashboard and activated the x theme again and then the x-child theme again
This fixed my missing image size options as well.

Also all the above resolutions worked now.

Thanks again!

On behalf of my colleague, you’re welcome. Cheers! :slight_smile:

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