Video Playing Issue

what i need to achieve -

  1. play external video (youtube/vimeo ) wordpress player
  2. play self hosted video
  • all with auto load / loop /mute setting

what i have done -

  • tried the normal way with corner stone

  • using the sortcode -

[video src=“” hide_controls=“true” autoplay=“true” no_container=“false” advanced_controls=“false” muted=“true” loop=“true” poster=""]

current situation

  • video thumbnail show in case of external video link

  • no thumbnail and nothing in case of video uploaded to media library ,not even to play them in media library itself ( be it mp4,ogv or webm )

  • 2nd row 1st column - same thing as 1st row 1st column video ( only no control button unchecked ) >> here i can play the video but autoplay is not working

** i think much bigger issue is no video playing in media library

site link : ( column1 - youtube video , coloumn 2 - self hosted mp4 , coloumn3 - using shortcode [video src=“video-myvideo.mp4”] )

video urls -


plz help me with this

Hi There,

The following files return 404 error. Did you delete them?

Could you please re-upload them and provide us with your admin account so we can take a closer look?


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hey @thai thanx for the reply
i have found the solution of file not playing ,it got solved

an added following code my web.config file

        <remove fileExtension=".woff" />
        <remove fileExtension=".woff2" />
        <mimeMap fileExtension=".woff" mimeType="application/font-woff" />
        <mimeMap fileExtension=".woff2" mimeType="application/font-woff2" />
        <mimeMap fileExtension=".mp4" mimeType="video/mp4" />
        <mimeMap fileExtension=".webm" mimeType="video/webm" />
        <mimeMap fileExtension=".ogv" mimeType="video/ogg" />

i will get back to you again if anything goes wrong

hey @thai

i just checked all the things videos are fine now but they are not auto playing

what i want to achieve

  • video with no control showing + autoplay + mute audio + loop so that it can look like gif

what i have done

  • i have done it with corrnorstone /shortcode

in 3 ways -

  1. cornorstone >> youtube video ( not embeded ) to be played in wordpress native player
  2. cornorstonre >> self hosted video
  3. shortcode of >> [video src=“”]

in all cases i have checked " autoplay + mute audio + loop"


  • column 1 video >> youtube video not playing
  • coloumn 2 > playing but after click
  • column 3 >> control is not hiding

so help me with these issues

Hey @akash,

The issue in your page might have stemmed from incorrect setup of the Youtube video.

The Video Player shortcode, though can display a Youtube video, is not the correct setup. You should use the Embedded version and get Youtube’s embed code. To make it autoplay and muted, you need to add in the Youtube’s Player Parameters in the URL inside the embed code.

Please try following the working setup in this screencast.

If the issue persists with that setup, please give us WP admin and FTP access in a Secure Note.


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