Can we please have this fixed theme-wide? I always need to refactor manually at every theme update…
Also Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property X_Validation_Updates::$api_key is deprecated in /Users/mattiarasulo/Local Sites/interdentcom/app/public/wp-content/themes/pro/framework/legacy/functions/admin/class-validation-updates.php on line 99
There’s some of these pls check your theme with PHP debug on…
Hi Mattia,
What you have pointed out is the deprecated notice due to the recent update of the PHP version. We are working on the notices, till then request you add the following code into the wp-config.php to suppress the notice.
define( 'WP_DEBUG', false );
Please find the video that will help you to edit wp-config.php and add the above code :
Hope it helps.
Oh yes I know very well how to suppress notices, I just think it’s weird those are there, it’s a very simple fix but I do not see the theme code on GitHub so I cannot add a pull request. Let me know if you need help on this!
Hi Mattia,
Thanks for offering help. As I said, our development team is working on that and an update will be up soon.
All right thank you!
btw could you help me out on this ticket? It’s super urgent and I am a bit stuck… [REPOST] Desperation around the preview could not load due to the iframe response being incomplete
Hi Mattia,
Sure, let me check that.
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