Upgrading from 5.2.5 to 6.3, 500 page errors

Hi. Please navigate to the following path.

Hi There,

Would you mind deactivating all your plugins by renaming the plugins folder?

And please delete your current version of Cornerstone (3.3.6) that is not compatible with (X5.2.5), re-install the Cornerstone using the cornerstone.zip file provided here /x/framework/plugins

Then navigate to Dashboard > Updates and click the Check Again button, lets see if the X automatic update works.

And can you try deactivating your child theme? and Network activate the parent X Theme instead? I see a lot of customization in your child theme, and most likely one or multiple of this customization is conflicting with the latest X.

And is your site under CloudFlare? If so, please login to your CloudFlare dashboard and Purge the Cache.

Let us know how it goes,

What is the exact link to the latest Cornerstone plugin? theme.co/x/framework/plugins returns a 404.

Hello @BMC,

Thanks for asking. :slight_smile:

I am sharing the link in secure note that you can use to download Cornerstone.


Hi There,

It is inside your X theme folder www.yourdomain.com/wp-content/themes/x/framework/plugins/cornerstone.zip

This cornerstone.zip installer is always the compatible version of Cornerstone with the X version you have.

After you make the Cornerstone the right version, activate your parent X theme and try to update it using the automatic update (Dashboard > Updates > Check Again).

We always advise users to always update on the latest version, but in your case, since you have a lot of customization on your child theme that might not work on X6, you might want to stay with X5. Else you need to edit/modified your customization to make it compatible with the latest X version.


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