Updating plugins WPBakery

I am unable to update WPBakery, their response was:

We checked it further and the issue is because the theme used at your end has disabled the plugin auto-updates. You can get in touch with the theme author and get rid of the code used to do so via theme, so that there is no such issue with plugin auto-updates at your end.

Can you assist me with this?


Hi Krina,

Thanks for reaching out.

You mean you wish to update it from their server? Please provide your site’s URL and admin login credentials in the secure note and I’ll check.

The code responsible for that is this

function x_visual_composer_set_as_theme() {
  if ( x_visual_composer_integration_on() ) {
    vc_set_as_theme( true );
  } else {
    add_action( 'admin_notices', 'x_visual_composer_hide_update_notice', -99 );

But you already enable the X integration which means, the disableUpdater() is skipped.


I want to update it from Wordpress. Just like any other plugin. Is that what the above response would do? Right now I can not update it.

Hi Krina,

I see one of our support colleague already replied to your other thread with a possible solution (https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/wpbakery-license-tab/48479/2?u=mldarshana). Could you please try that method and see if you can update your VC plugin.


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