Updated site and the layout has been changed

@ruenel @tristup We are almost to the finish line.

We still haven’t resolved the color and the calendar.

I want to remove the calendar and place my social media icons there.
I want to remove the GRAY and make it white.
I want to remove the black where the house icon is and the rest of the black rectangle there.

Remove this calendar
switch the gray for a white background make thie part blue like the other blue I have chosen instead of the black.

Thank you.

Hello @audacity,

1.) To remove the calendar and place your social media icons in the sidebar, go to Appearance > Widgets > Main Sidebar.

If this is your first time dealing with WordPress Widgets, please check out this documentation:

2.) To remove the GRAY and make it white, go to Cornerstone > Theme Options > Globals > Layout and Design. You will need to change the background color to “white” or “#fff”.

3.) To remove the black where the house icon is and the rest of the black rectangle, that is in Appearance > Ubermenu which I already mentioned in your other thread. That is also where you can style the Uber Menu plugin. Please check out this documentation to be more familiar with the plugin.

Best Regards.

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