The Grid inside the tab cornerstone element

You’re most welcome and yes, please try the VC as well. Though, I’m not sure what happening on your current view :slight_smile:

Even with your script for VC it didn’t work…
And in this test here i’ve put some more grids/tabs since it was working and now it’s not working again :sweat_smile: I can’t understand…

I’m starting to think I will have to change the layout strategy cause it’s not working this way… maybe work only with grids but not with tabs…

Hi @priscilaps,

The code is not to fix the navigation, but to fix the visibility since grid are hidden on tabs. And I checked and the pagination works okay, except for that single one in PORTAS, could you try placing a different grid?

But yes, adding grid within a hidden container always has this issue. The tab containers are hidden upload until clicked.


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