Text in Navbar that I can't seem to edit

At the top of my site in the navbar is some text that I want to delete or just edit. I can’t figure out how to do this. The text is the name of my site. It looks horrible. Help asap would be amazing!

url is simply-well-balanced.com . I was able to edit the text and move it to left align by selecting stacked. Apparently this area is called the “logo bar”. I can’t figure out how to edit what the text actually is. I would prefer that the text be gone altogether. I would also like to make the navbar as short as possible it is very tall and I can’t seem to get it small enough with the text and menu still being centered.

Hi There,

That is your Site Title. You can find it in Settings > General. When there’s no logo uploaded on X > Launch > Options > Header > Logo Image, site title will display instead.

If you just want to hide it, try using this custom CSS:

 a.x-brand.text {
  display: none;

To reduce the height of the navbar, go to X > Launch > Options > Header > NAVBAR TOP HEIGHT (PX): Reduce current value

Hope this helps.

Thank you!

You’re welcome!