Three weeks later. What´s wrong with the Support?
Hey there,
We’ve it in queue, this will be addressed soon, please stay tuned.
Thank you for your understanding!
Thank you for your understanding!
WHAT?! Hey Guys, sorry for impatient, but my customers are really annoyed because of this bug. AND ME TOO. Since almost TWO month i am running and asking after and this is not something for the next update, this is something for immadiatly Support!
UPDATE: I switched it of now…but thats not my idea and not what my client expected.
Hi there,
Yes, please switch, for now, you may switch back to sticky header once it’s fixed. Please stay tuned for the updates.
its not fixed, still crashing. You promised, you fix it…
Hello @cyrock,
Thank you for writing in and I’m sorry that this has been causing you some issues. I wanted to jump in here to provide a little more context to this situation to let you know where things stand.
We absolutely have this item listed in our log of things to look into. As you may have seen with the recent changelogs, we have just come out of a major release that we are currently monitoring. With any bug that goes into our queue, we have to constantly asses where it falls in line, as new items come in, there are times where certain issues take precedence over another.
With regards to this particular situation, while this matter is certainly something that needs addressing, it isn’t “critical” only in the sense that it is happening in only one browser that has an increasingly dwindling user base as more people move to Microsoft Edge and other browsers, and it hasn’t fundamentally “broken” the website, rather, the user experience will be slightly different for a user visiting using Internet Explorer. For example, something that is causing a fatal error in PHP on the website making it completely unusable would take precedence over a matter like this. Even though we plan on addressing it, we have to constantly rate and work on things in order of prominence, amount of users affected, severity of the issue, et cetera.
Another thing to look at would be your website’s analytics. If only a very tiny amount are coming to view it using Internet Explorer, then it might not even be a large concern at all. For instance, there are many large production websites for big companies such as Stripe, where their content and layout can differ from browser to browser, mostly because they know that the majority of their users are coming from more modern browsers, so they do not try to recreate every feature in all browsers. You’ll see on this page of their website that the “Onboarding & Verification” section features a very involved web animations API figure to the left of the text in modern browsers, but in Internet Explorer, this is removed completely: While not completely consistent, things don’t always have to be on the web, especially for users who are utilizing older browsers and likely wouldn’t notice the absence of something like this anyway.
Hopefully this helps to provide a little more context for things. In summation, we absolutely have this item noted in our backlog and intend to spend time on it as soon as we can, but we also ask for patience and understanding that this is also a bit of a “moving target,” as things are always shifting and we have to respond to them constantly. WordPress is always updating, other plugins are always updating, browsers are always updating, and we have to keep up with all of those variables at all times and do our best to constantly assess and prioritize issues as they arise. We thank you for your understanding.
What?! Not critical?! My client is running away!!!
I am waiting more than 2 Months to get support. And it was promised several times to fix it! Come on: I have build the same in simple X and it works browserwide.
All i here is:
"We thank you for your understanding."
"We absolutely have this item listed in our log of things to look into."
Since Two(!!) Months.
All i need is a simple fixed Header-Navigation.
Greetings after 19 Licensis! Pushing and Supporting X and PRO!
We greatly appreciate your continued support, and as mentioned, we are not saying that this isn’t important, just that we are always doing our best to assess the moving target of bug fix prioritization.
We have a release coming out soon to address some other matters from the most recent release. After that release, while we can’t guarantee anything, we will certainly move this to the top of the queue to at least investigate and see what is going on. As mentioned previously, it’s not that sticky bars aren’t working at all, there is simply a discrepancy in IE11, which currently maintains less than a 4% marketshare worldwide:
Please understand that while we will investigate this, we cannot guarantee it will be out in the release mentioned above as there are many facets to how sticky bars work in Pro, and it is infinitely more involved and complex than how they are handled in X. That being said, we will make sure to see what is going on and if it can be easily remedied in a timely manner.
Thank you for your continued understanding and support.
Yes, believe it or not: I know all this. And? It changes nothing.
Regretfully, I can’t give you an ETA on when Pro sticky bars will be fixed in IE11.
If you need a fixed header working in IE11, un-assign your global header in Pro (or go to Theme Options > Headers and click the option to use classic headers). This will allow you to use the original fixed top header settings from X.
thank you for your answer.
I use PRO because i can create stunning, individual Designs for my clients. Now you tell me, to go two years back and build part of a finished project new in an old way? (…)
If you have told me this two months ago before when i asked for support – and your staff promised its in the Timeline – i would not have decide for PRO.
We cannot deicide for our clients and their clients what Browser they have to use and i think IE11 is the minimum we have to deliver. If we hate IE or not – i do –, its not the issue of our clients.
I am really disappointed and insecure if i can offer and use PRO and X in the future as a reliable tool.
You have to solve this. And save all you have build the last years.
The update you made is great and both products are great, but if you neglect small Details it worth nothing.
best from over here.
Christian Isachsen
Pixelwerft, Gemany
@cyrock, we are simply running around each other at this point.
We understand this needs to be addressed.
We have told you it will be addressed.
We have said we are planning to look into it once we get back into development mode after this initial round of release bugs has been addressed.
Thank you.
Hi Themeco-Team, what´s new with this issue?
We are planning the next project and we need around 15-20 Licenses (multinational Company)
So what?
Nothing has changed, it is still at the front of our queue to look into after this coming release as mentioned previously. We have said very specifically we plan on looking into it after this release, which was already in full swing when we talked last.
Thank you for your understanding.
Three weeks later, three months later. Update after update…my clients head is getting more and more red…
Three weeks later, three months later. Update after update…my clients head is getting more and more red…
Hi there,
Sorry to hear that, please try this temporary fix. Please add this to your global custom javascript
jQuery( function($) {
$(window).scroll( function() {
if( $(this).scrollTop() > 0 && !!navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident.*rv\:11\./) ) {
$('.x-masthead > .x-bar').addClass('x-bar-fixed').attr('style', 'top: 0px; height: 65.28px; width: 100%; transform: translate3d(0px, 0%, 0px);');
$('.x-masthead > .x-bar .x-bar-content').attr('style', 'height: 65.28px;');
} else {
$('.x-masthead > .x-bar').removeClass('x-bar-fixed').attr('style','');
$('.x-masthead > .x-bar .x-bar-content').attr('style', '');
} );
} );
Then please add this CSS to your global custom CSS
@media all and (-ms-high-contrast:none)
*::-ms-backdrop, .x-masthead > .x-bar .x-bar-content,
.x-masthead > .x-bar {
transition: all 300ms linear !important;
Though, this is only applicable to the first site you provided since it has 1 sticky bar. You may enhance it if you wish to apply it to other sites, this is just a tempory fix while our developers are working on the main fixes.
The 65px value is the target height when it changes size upon scrolling, the same value from chrome to make it uniform across browsers. The CSS is then the animation/easing to make sure it doesn’t blink when the size changes.