Significant Cornerstone Lag

The copy and paste works like a dream! What would I say to my web host to resolve that issue?

I am having the same issue and was about to open a new support ticket for it.

I have narrowed the issue down to the Text elements in Cornerstone, both classic and new, making calls/requests back to the server constantly that if they don’t get a response then the page cannot Save. Other elements that I tested do not have this issue, only Text elements. Only after the server has responded can the Save complete.

Can you tell us what your code is doing for these Text elements so that we can ask our hosts to allow for this processing? I am on a shared hosting service with and any help from the developers in specific requirements for Cornerstone can help us overcome the server-side issues.

Or, can you optimize the code or make the calls differently so that this doesn’t happen?

I don’t see copy/pasting as a workaround because it happens with even a single text entry/paste. Each new edit into a Text element would take minutes to update and then save, even the initial paste.


Hey guys,

The resource that is mostly used when you type in a text element is the CPU. That is the one that is commonly maxing out like in this thread:

I’m not sure if controlling WordPress Heartbeat will work but it might be worth a try. See

Other than that, you to upgrade your hosting plan for a higher CPU power.

Regretfully, we have not specific requirements for Cornerstone other than the suggested 256M memory limit. It’s because Cornerstone works even in free web hosts. Also, WordPress site requirements vary on the actual plugins and/or scripts in your site and not just Cornerstone.

Optimization of the process is certainly in our developers list but we could not provide an ETA as to when things will be improved.

In addition to writing your post separately in an external text editor, only allow one user to create or edit a page at a time.

What happens when you type a character in a text element is it sends data to the server and the server brings it back in the preview. Here’s a comment from our core developer in a similar thread:



I was in parallel conversations with my hosting provider, inmotionhosing, and they alerted me to something. I was reading my PHP version from a cPanel system information view that clearly said it was on version 7.2. However, in reality, via phpinfo.php I saw that it was running version 5.63. Doh.

I knew that the php version needs to be 7.2+ and I thought it was, only to find it wasn’t. Once corrected I can say that Cornerstone is working as expected, including text elements.

Thanks for your help and getting me in the right direction.


Glad to hear everything is working fine now.

If you need anything else feel free to create another ticket.

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