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I’ll take a look tomorrow. Sorry sending an additional message will push it back in our queue.

You had too many IDs set as “splashbacks”. That didn’t really fix the issue though. It should only be added to the “Slide Container”. I’ll have to take another look next week.

Ok, no worries - thanks Charlie.


You are most welcome, @DesignMunky.

Just wanted to make sure this wasn’t marked as complete. Am just waiting on Charlie to have a look at it next week - thanks.

No problem, @DesignMunky.

At this point, I’m not sure that slider is displaying correctly. See secure note.

I moved the splashback dropdown into the Container called Cell 2 Splashback. This container has the data-x-slide-context custom attribute. Initially the background image wasn’t showing but I realised I had an extra data-x-slide-context custom attribute in the section element, which after I removed showed the “Base” Layer.

Now it all works fine…but its back to the original issue of me needing to keep the the controlling dropdowns in each of the parent containers for each slider and use data-x-slide-context custom attribute.

What I’m really wanting to do is have the control elements sitting off canvas and be pulled open by the user, have them make changes, then close again. And the only way to do that (I think) is to use the data-x-slider-id and data-x-slider-id.

I’m just unsure how to set the slide container ID set in the Customize tab, and how to have the dropdown elements utilize the data-x-slider-id attribute.

I moved the dropdown to a separate parent and it seems to work fine on that page I created. Am I looking in the wrong spot? If you create an off-canvas and the look and feel you want I take a look for that element as well.

I really don’t know why its now working…but thank you Charlie!

Its now doing exactly what I wanted.

Really Appreciate you taking the time to help on this one.


Hey Charlie,

Just a quick question. What method would you use to show what selection had been made in the dropdowns or group of elements that a user would select from? I’d like to show a summary of what the user had selected…


Hey Charlie,

It’s cool - I got it working by setting up a display Div and using a javascript listener that also refreshes the Display div everytime a headline element is clicked.

Thanks again for all your help!


You are most welcome, Darren.

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