Section Fade In effects

Hi, i’m using X theme, but i can’t find the “fade in” effect for sections or blocks. It has been visible when i started my work. But now is disappeared…
Ps: Advance mode and Dynamic content is on. Thanks

Hi @marcomonici,

Thank you for reaching out to us. Presently, the new Column does not have a fade option like the previous generation. If this is required, you may want to continue using the old version.

We didn’t include it because it would conflict with an upcoming feature we’re investigating that would add transition state controls to all V2 elements. For example, instead of an entire column, you could fade just a button. Or maybe you want to animate in an entire row? This will most likely be a new set of controls under the “Customize” tab of V2 elements.

To learn how to have this option in old columns, please see Enable fade effect on columns

Hope this helps!

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