Reset Modal Hash after close


on behalf from this post: How to Reset the Modal Hash - UX Troubleshooting I have the problem, that we have to toggle the modal via different graphical elements. So we need to work with the url hashtag

Problem is, after the user maybe toggled the modal once, he closes it and want to re-open it again. But as the hashtag stays in the url the modal is not triggered to open again.
Is there any JS API i can hook on to reset the url hashtag after closing the modal?

Thanks for your support.


Hi Alexander,

Thank you for writing in, we do have this as a feature request on our tracker as the toggle hash is for the address hash and it has no direct connection to the button (or any different graphical elements). It only triggers the modal since the button changes the address hash upon the first click.

In the meantime, you might want to follow the workaround provided here.


Hi friech,

thanks for the reply. Works for me aswell.


Hi Alex,

We’re glad it worked for you as well.


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