Problem with page editor after Theme update


Please try contacting your hosting provider on this particular issue as it sounds like something related to your setup is causing this. Your host will be able to diagnose things much better due to the fact that they have a more complete view of your account and can work behind the scenes with you. If the problem you are experiencing persists after working with your host, don’t hesitate to let us know and we will be happy to assist you. Any relevant information that you can share with us from your host is also greatly appreciated as it will help us to better ascertain the source of the problem.

The page editor APPEARED after increasing the memory in the file htaccess to 512 mb.
Such a large amount of memory is used, it seems, because of the large number of pages (about 10 000)
Is there any way to fix this memory leak?

Hi There,

Increasing the memory is a common WP practice.

The memory is demanded just while using the editor and not on your live site.

Glad to hear you managed to solve the issue.
