Pro mobile menu not clickable

I have built some pages with Pro now and I see a strange behaviour:
On the mobile menu on SOME smartphones (iphone SE, XS) the menu items are not clickable on the first click.
Only on the SECOND CLICK the assigned page does open.
There are some other threads dealing with an issue that parent menu items are not clickable.
In my case there are no parents nore children. They are just simply entries.
Thank you and best regards,

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Hey Hannes,

Are you on landscape mode or have a small screen? The issue is not due to submenus. What triggers the issue is the off canvas’ scrollbar.

There’s currently no fix for this but this issue has been reported already.

Please stay tuned for updates.

Thank you. Is there a workaround? Maybe deactivating the scrolling in the off canvas area?

Hey @salilou,

We do not have any workaround for the moment. Rest assured, our developers have been informed already.


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