Pro>Layout Builder=no suitable preview area found error

I have the latest version of Pro and have built a layout which has 2 sections:

I need the layout to be applied on all pages so currently I have it applied to “all singular”. When I go to edit a page though, I get:
Screen Shot 2021-08-31 at 7.19.04 PM
and I cant add new sections, rows, etc to that page (they just dont show up in the preview or builder.

I have tried:

  • changing the page template, tried all options (default page template, fullwidth, container+header+footer, etc
  • changing the conditions from “all singular” to everything else, nothing helps
  • tried adding a blank section+row to my layout but that doesn’t help
  • right now I have all plugins disabled and I have cleared my browser cache and I still get this error so im doing something wrong.

Can you help?

note: site is not public at the moment.

Hello @Tech4Eleven,

Thanks for writing in!

When creating a single layout, you must insert the “The Title” and the “The Content” dynamic element into your page. The “The Content” dynamic element is important because this is where the preview area will display.

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To really get familiar with creating a single layout, please check out this video tutorial first:

Best Regards.

Thank you. That was the answer. I was looking at the written documentation about Layouts and didn’t see where it mentioned this but maybe I missed it.

One question. In order to add the dynamic “The content” element in the layout builder, I have to add a section + row + column first. Does the padding, margins, etc in that section and rowans column affect the single pages?

Hi @Tech4Eleven,

Yes, it does. So if you want to have full control of the section/row/column’s margin, padding, and width, you need to zero out those on the Layout and have configured it on the single pages.


Thats what I thought. Thank you!

You’re welcome, @Tech4Eleven.

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