Pro Header full background image

Hey @thai thank you for your reply.

Actually, you can’t see the Social Icons on the top of the page (above the menu/logo) as they’re supposed to appear. Take a look on a bigger screen than you’ll see. Even having it repeated for small screens, and blocked on the larger viewports (also blocked the “big-screens” right-side social for small screens). It shows on big viewports but not on small ones… Please let me know wich other settings I should change in order to have my social icons on the mobile screens.


Hi Favio,

It was hidden using the container settings. Please inspect the container of the social icons. Go to Customize Tab > HIDE BASED ON SCREEN WIDTH.: Make sure nothing is selected.

Also, if you do have other questions after this, it would be better to open a new thread. Thanks.

I’ve managed to make it working by duplicating bars (since they override container’s and elements alignment -> elements should override containers, that should override bars in my humble opinion (inner it is, overrides the outer element). But seems to be working. Thanks!

Glad you were able to figure it out. Have a great day! :slight_smile:

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