Open Graph Not Functioning

This warning is persistent and og: image remains blank

Warnings That Should Be Fixed

Parser Mismatched Metadata

The parser’s result for this metadata did not match the input metadata. Likely, this was caused by the data being ordered in an unexpected way, multiple values being given for a property only expecting a single value, or property values for a given property being mismatched

Every other parameter is okay apart from;

og:image alt

I have already added the images in SEO tool and still not showing

Hi Bonnie,

There is something wrong with your image.

If you go directly to the image url it returns error 404

Try to replace it with this image

Then check the page in facebook debugger


It’s now giving an invalid image content type error. I am losing hope in this whole thing now

Hi Bonnie,

Looks like the opengraph data is working now.

But yes, It has invalid image content type, if you’ll click this (the image that is supposed to be displayed in facebook share) is being blocked by your hosting provider.

I also checked other images and it’s the same, like You should contact your hosting provider about this issue else, images aren’t going to be shareable.


Finally, it worked!!! The images were fixed and everything now is perfect!!!

Thank you all for your input, efforts, and assistance. You kept going even after I had given up. I’m grateful, God bless you all

Glad it’s working now, cheers!

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