One page navigation - last section won't highlight in header

Still no luck. :frowning_face: I click the menu item and it does highlight briefly as the page scrolls, but then “Pricing” highlights the moment the page stops moving. Do you get the same thing, @RueNel? I left the new code in.

Thank you once again.

Hi Jesse,

With the implementation of the update JS code, this is what I got:

Please clear your browser or use incognito mode and test your site again.

Hi @RueNel,

Thank you for putting that together. In your screen recording, the last section is actually tall enough to reach the footer, meaning your screen size or resolution must be lower that mine. If the screen resolution is high enough, it won’t work as it did in your recording. Please take a look at my own screen recording:

Thank you!

Hi Jesse,

That’s right, I’m able to see the issue because I checked it on bigger screen, and the code is actually working. I didn’t said the code wasn’t working but different conditions applied (like screen size vs content size). I’ll explain how it works

  1. var contactPosition = jQuery('#contact').offset();

This gets the offset position of the contact section.

  1. if (window.scrollY + 600 >= && jQuery('#menu-item-66').hasClass('current-menu-item') == 0 ) {

This check if windows scroll top overlaps with contact section offset. Which means if scroll position is less than or equal to 1700px (contact section’s offset's top position). Then it will add the current menu status, but how about the built-in ScrollLibrary that function the same? It will still select the section that is behind the navbar. I’ll provide the screenshot to explain this further.

Now based on that visual guide, to which area the navigation still belong (touch/overlaps) even though you’re already at the end of the page? It still the Pricing Area, hence, it switches back to Pricing menu item even though you click the Contact menu item.

The problem now is, it only works when scrolling to that section with the mouse, not when clicking on the menu item.

The code is intentionally for scroll and not for click action. window.onscroll = function(ev) {

My answer about this issue is still the same as I previously provided :slight_smile: , or do you just wish to make the last section full-screen so it would cover the entire area regardless of screen?


@Rad, I appreciate your in-depth reply. If I’m understanding you correctly, you’re saying that what I’m asking for is not possible (if clicking instead of scrolling); however, how do you explain the fact that it has been accomplished on the page? This happens even when clicking, not scrolling:


Hi Jesse,

What my colleague is trying to say is It’s possible but the only solution to make this work is to increase the height as stated on his first answer.

Please note that is not considered as one of our demo page, it is custom made and is used specifically for our business purposes.

Thank you.

Even if I increase the height, what if someone is using a giant computer monitor? You can never guarantee the section will be tall enough; therefore, this is not a solution. Wouldn’t you agree?

Hi Jesse,

I agree, I will forward this to our web development team for review.
For the mean time please increase the height to make it work to most computer monitor.


Thanks a lot. Much appreciated.

Thanks for understanding :slight_smile:

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