No suitable preview area found on all pages


I had originally posted on another thread (this one) and was told to create a new one.

I followed all the suggestions given and it still hasn’t been fixed. I’ve not added any new plugins or themes recently, I updated my theme last week and it was fine, then when I went back a few days later it had stopped working.

I can either just see the footer, or the header and the footer on other pages but no other content.

I’ll pop the login details in the secure notes.


Hello @FifiLAUA,

Thanks for writing in! You were having the issue because you have created a custom Layout that does not have the “The Content” element on the page and that this particular layout was assigned to the posts and pages.

I went ahead and resolved your issue by assigning the correct condition which is “Post Type is Post” so that your custom layout is only for single blog posts.

Check and edit your pages now.

Ah that’s perfect, I’ve replicated it in the live site! Thank you so much for clarifying that and showing how you did it for future reference, I really appreciate it.

Certainly, We are happy to assist you with this.


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