Need help with setting up this theme

You’re welcome :slight_smile:

What if i want to remove the post image?


To remove it, you can change the code to this.

.single-post .entry-featured  {

Hope that helps

Hi, would like to check how do i change the logo and favicon for my home page?

Hi there,

You will have to upload the icon file in the media section of the admin and get the file URL from there then go to X > Launch > Site Icons then put the file image in the favicon field.


How do you remove this icon, i want the first 2 to be removed thanks.

Hey @insomniaxx,

Please go to Appearance > Theme Options > bbPress and disable the Navbar Menu option.


okay nvm i found it under buddy press

For this questions previously asked


The post image on this page is too small, how do i adjust it so that it will touch the right side bar?"

The code only works for posts.

How do i apply it for pages as well?

Hi there,

Please update this code:

.single-post .entry-featured img {
   width:100% !important;


.single-post .entry-featured img,
.page .entry-featured img {
   width:100% !important;

Hope this helps.

thank you it worked

You’re welcome.

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