Need help for the basic setting

After I read the article about the template management, I still have some questions as below:

Hey @guo,

Your current selected element is the Headline element. You can only apply a preset for the headline element like the one available in the Starter Pack.

To add a button, search for the button element first and drag it below your text.


Thanks for your help! But now another question!

Thanks in advance!

Hi again,

  • To move the menu items to the left, add the following code in the Theme Options > CSS:
body .masthead-inline .desktop .x-nav {
    float: left;
    width: calc(100% - 150px);
  • To add a button on the right side of your navigation bar, you can add a custom link to your menu

Then expand your newly added menu item and a class e.g header-button

Using the class, you can style the button with custom CSS, add the following code in the theme options as well:

.header-button {
    float: right !important;
.header-button a span {
    background: orange;
    padding: 10px !important;
    margin-top: -10px;
    color: #fff;

I’ve added a class to your contact menu item, by adding the above CSS your contact menu item will be transformed into the button. You can remove this class from the contact menu item and add it in your custom link.

Hope this helps!

After I added the items in the portfolio and put in the "overhead crane"categories.
But I can’t see it on navigation of the homepage.

What’s more is there is no templates in the adit page of the item.

How can i adit the itme page?

Hi again,

  • To add a portfolio item in the navigation bar, you need to follow the suggestion I provided previously by adding a custom link to your menu:

Then in the URL field add the URL of your portfolio item.

  • Templates are only available in pages, however you can make adjustments to the portfolio item via Portfolio Item Settings

Hope this helps!

Last but not least, Where can I build a portfolio page on the “overhead crane”? Where can I find the"Portfolio item settings" as you mentioned previously?

Hi there,

  1. Please go to Admin > Pages and edit your LSX Overhead Crane page. Then go to Page Attribute section and choose Layout - Portfolio template.

  1. On same LSX Overhead Crane page and while editing it, find the Portfolio Settings section (not Portfolio Item Settings, it’s different) and choose the category (Category Select) that you wish to display. It’s the category related to LSX overhead crane.

  1. Then save your LSX Overhead Crane page.

  2. Now go to Admin > Appearance > Menus and add your LSX Overhead Crane as a sub-menu item of Overhead Crane menu item. I’m not sure what’s your Overhead Crane page, but it could be just an empty custom link since it only serves to group the sub-menu items.

  3. Repeat the same process for all other overhead crane portfolio pages.

Now, back to Portfolio Item Settings, it’s the same as Portfolio Settings, but instead of Admin > Pages, it will be in Admin > Portfolio. You’ll see it from your own provided screenshot :slight_smile:

The question is, what do you mean by this What's more is there is no templates in the adit page of the item.? Your screenshot doesn’t look like pointing to templates, but content.


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