Mobile menu - one page - collapse after click

hi there,
I am trying to get the mobile menu (for a page with one-page-navigation) to collapse after a menu item has been clicked/touched or move the content below because when I click the anchor links in the menu they are not ate the top of the page.
for the desktop it is ok as the menu don’t affect the content.

Hi @apxds,

Thank you for reaching out to us! What you are trying requires custom development. You may need to check out this old thread instead:

If you would like further help with customizations like this or 3rd party plugins, I’d encourage you to subscribe to our One service.

Hope this helps!

Hi, Thanks for the answer.

But what I want is just for the mobile version to work as expected, with the anchor links loading at the top of the page, just like the desktop version does. So, the menu collapse was just an idea.

Is there another way to fix the anchor links to load at the top, as it does on the desktop? It seems like a bug not to work properly on all devices and require customizations for it to work as expected.

Hello @apxds,

Perhaps this documentation can help:

Kindly let us know how it goes.

Ok, that did hide the content before the anchor link, but it still has some issues when trying to access the submenu.

Hi @apxds,

Can you please be specific about the problem you are facing with the submenus?


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