Missing Buddypress Post Button

I (Mr. Ramsey) received the same email notification about your friendship request - and it displayed in the Friends Tab > Requests.

But the admin request is still not there?
Both received the same email, same link to the same place but it only displayed your request.

Notifications only shows 1 - about the forum reply.

Hello @DeeDesign,

The number in the Friends tab indicates the number of Friends accepted and not the request. Are logged in as Mr. Ramsey? You may only see the requests if you are logged in as the user itself. If you are logged in as Chef S, you won’t be able to see any requests in Mr. Ramsey’s profile. What you can see is the friend request in your own profile.

Hope this helps.

Thank you for your patience RueNel.

The above missing Admin friend request is when I was logged in as Mr. Ramsey.
As Admin I when to Mr. Ramsey’s profile, selected add friend and logged out.
In turn an email arrived for Mr. Ramsey (above) with a link, announcing Admins request to become friends.
Logged in as Mr. Ramsey, this request is not visible to accept (in Notifications or in Friend Requests) further the link in the email goes no where. Chef S’s request to be come friends arrived with the same email (above) and the Accept request button was under Friends > Requests.

Seem it is associated with the Admin request only.

Sorry a new little issue - maybe it is a result of switching to Legacy?

Admin dashboard > Settings > Buddypress is leading to a 404 - I tried resetting the premalinks but that is the extent of what I know how to do to troubleshoot something like that. Should I deactivate BP or is there another step?

Hello @DeeDesign,

The given site link is working for me.

By the way, could you please provide the login for Mr Ramsey’s account so that I can log in as Mr Ramsey and check his profile?

Thank you in advance.

Thank you RueNel - still a 404 for me, logged in as admin.
Is there any steps I can use to troubleshoot?

Hello @DeeDesign,

I do not experienced any error 404 at all. Maybe the user you are using to login is not an administrator account. Please double check it.

Meanwhile, I used a different account to connect with Mr Ramsey and the notifications and request is there in place.

Please check your site again.

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