Looper: Filter terms by other terms

Hello there,

I am looking to return a list of post categories that only have posts containing the category “podcasts.” Is there a way to do that with loopers?

Hi Bobby,

Thank you for writing in, you can use the Looper type Query Builder.

Loopers: Provider Types

Hope it helps,

Hey there, I’m not sure you fully understood my question. I know how to use loopers and the query builder. I’m not wanting to return a list of posts, I’m wanting to return a list of terms. Specifically, I want to return a list of only terms that are associated with posts that have the category “podcasts” attached to them. In other words, I have a lot of categories on my site, such as “pride”, “media issues”, and “lying,” but I also have the category “podcasts.” I don’t want to display all terms; I just want to display terms that are associated with posts that have the category “podcasts” assigned to them. Does that make sense?

Hello Bobby,

In case if you want to display the filter terms you need to go to the Looper -->Set the Looper as All Terms -->Set the Taxonomy filter from the select box. You can also filter the category if the category is empty.
Please have a look at the given screenshot below.


In case if you want to display the post that will be filtered by the specific category you need to go to the Looper —> Set the Looper type as Query Builder, now you need to set the category from the Taxonomy select box.

Please have a look at the given screenshot below.


Hope it helps

Thank you, but that all is pretty obvious from the tools and I am fully aware of how that all works. What I want is to be able to filter “All Terms” by another Term to return a subset of terms.

Here is my terms cloud at the moment:

I don’t want all of those categories to show up, but all I can see is the “All Terms” provider type and no way to filter down the results. I wondered if there was a way to do this with a query string or some kind of subordinating loopers in some way.

I was able to accomplish something similar to what I want (though not what I want) with The Grid filters. I don’t want to filter The Grid thumbnails; I actually want them to be links to take me to the category archive pages themselves.

Hello Bobby,

The feature that you want would require custom development. I would suggest you contact a developer who can assist you with your concern. Please note that we don’t provide custom development support. It is out of the support scope.In case if these categories are child then please have a look at this thread for reference.

Hope it helps
Thanks for understanding

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