List of strings Dynamic content

I wonder if there is a total list with all dynamic content strings available?

Like {{dc:woocommerce:product_additional_information}} and {{dc:term:title}} are not in the Layoutbuilder while the functions are common. Now I’m looking for ‘product availability’ (out of stock notice).

Could you provide such list with all the strings? It would be very nice. Thanks Mark

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Hello Mark,

Thanks for writing in! Some of the single product elements are not displayed using the dynamic content. You will need to use the WooCommerce dynamic elements. When you add an element in your WC Single layout, look for the WooCommerce dropdown:

By the way, the {{dc:term:title}} should only be use to display term title in an archive page or when using the Looper Provider All Terms or Looper Provider Current Terms.

The Product Availability, Back Order or Sale Flash does not have a dynamic content nor a WooCommerce dynamic element. You will just have to create your own design like using a Text element and then set an element condition like the following:

Hope this makes sense.

I’d also second the initial question; a total list of dynamic content terms would be useful documentation for a lot of what I’m doing.

At the very least, it allows me to keep such documentation open and grab content a bit quicker than scrolling/searching the small dropdown in Cornerstone.

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I would also like to see a complete list of the dynamic content tags and a possible example in the documentation. viewing the forum there are hundreds. One area a lot of people seem to want help with is displaying / filtering categories. Keep up the great work as PRO is a game changer.

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Excellent idea.

And another idea would be to create a post where we the users might participate and could add these items and all other types (Post, Terms, Looper, Global, etc.) and make it sticky. All of this with the supervision of Themeco Staff, of course.

For example:


Site Title
Returns a text string with the name of the Wordpress site title.



Returns an (object?) with the information set in the Woocommerce relevant section.


Just a thought.


Hey guys,

Thank you for sharing your ideas, I already added this to our feature request tracker so that it will be taken into action in the future.



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