Link to Square appointments not working

My client is telling me the button on her scheduling page is not working on the iPad. It is added through an embed code for Square appointments. It appears to work fine on the desktop, but she says on the iPad when she clicks it, it does nothing.

Here is the link to the page.

Hello @LaconicSolutions,

Thanks for writing in! I do not have an iPad at the moment. I tested your site on my android phone and it works perfectly. The book now buttons open up a new browser tab and loaded the page. This could just be a caching issue. Are you using a caching plugin? Kindly clear all your plugin caches and clear the browser cache on the iPad too.

Hope this helps.

I had her try clearing the cache on the iPad. I will try clearing the plugin and see if that works for her.

Hi @LaconicSolutions,

Please let us know how it works for you.


It is still not working for her. I found this link, Button and link problem on Safari mobile (iPhone). Could this still be an issue and if so, will this maybe work?

Hello, @LaconicSolutions,

I checked your given page URL in iPhone 7 Safari browser IOS Version 13.7. It is working fine at my end. I would recommend you to clear your browser cache or check it in the private mode of the browser. If it does not work please update your browser and then check it again.


I am waiting to hear back from the client to find out if the browser update worked. If not, what else can she try?

Hi @LaconicSolutions,

It should be working because I tried to click the book now button in my iphone and ipad and they are just working fine on my end but if it is still not working on her end, she can test another device to check with herself that it is just working fine with another devices.

Hope that helps.

Thank you.

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