Limited Mailchimp Lists

Hi there,

Where do you find those codes? I search mine and there is no code like that, are we still on the same plugin? Would you mind providing a screenshot of where these files are located? Or if you’re on an old version of email forms, then please update it as well but make sure to back it up.

We’ll be more happy to solve this issue, but there is no available workaround as of now. But if I could gather more information, then it will be more helpful


Thank you for your interest. I notice I’m feeling upset I have to keep repeating myself. You didn’t read properly. If this were a chat it’s ok, but it takes between every answer here, at least another 12 hours and now days are ticking by and it took me a whole week. So I at least expect proper reading and proper replies, not suggesting to do whatever trial and error, especially since this case isn’t solved yet, while I addressed it also last year.

So I’m upset that I’m getting replies of staff that is not reading properly, or giving the wrong advice (like de-installing my plugin and reinstalling it: imagine the work!) It’s such a turn off.

So PLEASE read carefully.

In my reply I gave the names of the files: they are above the pieces of code (IN FAT THICK BIG LETTERS).

I found the code in my OLD X as well as in my new X (where I changed the code from 25 to 2500, but like I said, this didn’t do much). It’s in both the old and new version, BECAUSE THIS ISSUE EXISTS FOR A LONG TIME NOW and it has not been fixed yet, although that was promised.

Here you go. The files are located in folder:


Like I said before, they are named GOALS.php and LISTS.php

Oh did you know there’s a community of developers. You can find this at MAILCHIMP and you can connect and discuss issues like these.


Hi Chris,

I have responded to your email. For anything further related to this, please reply to the email and I’ll follow up there.


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Thank you! I will get back to it after my workshop. :slight_smile:

You’re welcome.

thank you everyone and thank you for getting back to me Matt! It helped to know that I had to de-acvtivate the old Mailchimp integrated plugin and then after that the new plugin worked. No limitations. Yay!! I’m super happy. it was a lot of work… i had to re-install all my lists and check all my pages but it is up and running!
Thanks everyone! :slight_smile:

You are most welcome!
We’re glad we were able to help you out.

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