Issues mobile view

Hi @prakash_s,

Thanks a lot! The homepage seems to be fixed now indeed, also on my devices. However, on all other pages I still have the same issue when scrolling on mobile. Is the solution that you found for the homepage also applicable for all other pages? That would be of great help. Thanks a lot again - it’s much appreciated!


Hi @Luinenburg,

Great that the Home Page is working fine, I would suggest you follow the same for other pages to resolve the issue.


Hi @tristup,

The thing is that I didn’t fix the home page myself, but that it worked after you (Ruenel, three days ago) looked at it. Could you please take a look at the other pages as well, since I have no clue how to fix it (like I wrote you ealier). I still get double scrollbars on all other pages, so it would be great if you could help out once more like discussed before. Hope to be able to scroll smoothly on all (mobile) pages soon.

Thanks a lot!

Hi @Luinenburg,

I have checked your pages along with the Home Page and found the double scrollbar issue still exists. I have investigated and found that the Global Blocks in the Footer is having the reason behind your issue. The image with -50px of bottom margin is the cause, I would suggest you modify it till the issue resolved.

Hope it helps.

Hi @tristup,

Thank you so so much! That did the trick.

One last question (let me know if I have to start a new topic): is there a way to add a ‘scroll to top’ button on every page?

Thanks again!

Hello @Luinenburg,

To enable the “scroll to top” button, you need to go to X/Pro—>Theme Option -->Miscellaneous–>Scroll Top Anchor. You can enable it from here.

Theme-Options-Pro (2)

Hope it helps

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