Image appearing too small

Hi I ended up using the X Theme for the buttons. Is there anything I can just edit with X Theme to fix it?

There is no gap top or bottom between the two elements. Would you be able to check it by logging in? Thanks!


You can try adding this in your column elements CSS (where your grid resides)

$el {

Hope that helps

Thanks. Is there any way to make my buttons more like -

Where when hovered over, it turns a different color? My site is jfyi. I’m using X Theme Cornerstone instead of The Grid for these. I’m just linking images to make them like buttons. Thanks!

Hi Sharon,

That’s doable with custom CSS, example, please add this CSS to your global custom CSS (Theme Options > CSS) along with your preferred background color (this time, I use green as an example)

.x-image.with-hover, .x-image.with-hover:hover {
     background: green !important;
.x-image.with-hover img {
    -webkit-transition: opacity 0.5s; /* Safari */
    transition: opacity 0.5s;
.x-image.with-hover:hover img{
   opacity: 0.5;

Then simply inspect your image element (in your screenshots) and add with-hover to each’s Class option field.

This should serve as a snippet so you could start, but we can’t provide support or cover this for further enhancement or bugs.


This is awesome! Is there any way to make the color a specific HEX #?

Hello Sharon,

Thanks for updating the thread. :slight_smile:

You can update the code with following:

.x-image.with-hover, .x-image.with-hover:hover {
background: #008000 !important;


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