How to remove the URL field in the comments field?

I would like to is there anything to take care of before updating the theme?

Hi there,

There is no need for further changes since it’s already added in your child theme. Updates will not overwrite it, but, if the future updates contain code changes where the above code is derived, then you’ll have to update the above code as well (manually editing the code).

Custom will and may only work as provided, there is no guarantee that it will forever work in the future.


Can you please tell how can I make the CTA in menu full width for hamburger menu? Thanks.

Also, I need to remove the black line on hover for the CTA specifically. And also the container on mobile devices.

Also The sub menu of “services” does not seem to work at times. The drop down button/hover i mean.


You can add this in Custom CSS

.x-navbar .desktop .x-nav > > a:hover > span {

.x-navbar .x-nav> .sub-menu {
   display:block !important;

Hope that helps.

sub menu of “services” does not seem to work at times. The drop down button/hover i mean.
Also, how to make the cta full width on hambuerger menu?

Hi there,

I have checked and there are some Javascript errors that might be causing the issue in the submenu items. You could try testing for a plugin conflict. You can do this by deactivating all third party plugins, and seeing if the problem remains. If it’s fixed, you’ll know a plugin caused the problem, and you can narrow down which one by reactivating them one at a time.

To make the CTA fullwidth in the mobile menu, please try this code:

@media (max-width: 797px) {
    .ctamain a {
        padding-left: 0 !important;
        padding-right: 0 !important;

Hope this helps.

  1. Okay. That issue solved. New issue arrived. I have used javascript to make header sticky. However it’s not the best solution to do so as there are css fixes as well. Can you please give me those snippet to make the header sticky? JS will affect speed.

  2. New is attached in secure note. This happens when we scroll the ‘services’ menu once and undo it again.

Hi there,

  1. You can remove your javascript and just add this CSS
@media ( max-width: 979px ) {
.x-navbar {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
width: 100%;
  1. Please change this CSS
.x-navbar .x-nav> .sub-menu {
   display:block !important;

to this

.x-navbar .x-nav> .sub-menu {
   display:block !important;

Hope this helps.

I did this. Now the content on some pages overlaps, like a blog post, home page, contact page etc.

Hi there,

Unfortunately, this thread is getting too long and lost its first purpose of adding the thread. I could not find the correct link you are talking about and the actual problem which you are experiencing.

Kindly open up a new thread with detailed information regarding the problem with URL and screenshots and we will be more than happy to help you around.

Thank you for your understanding.