How to create a timeline

Hi there,
taking a look on this page, scroll it down a bit and you’ll see a timeline wich I find cute. Is there any way to create a similar one in Pro?
Thanks in advance

Hello @MrDave,

Thanks for writing to us.

I am sorry I could not get you. Can you please let us know what you are trying to achieve?. It would be best you could share a marking screenshot that you want to achieve so that we can advise you properly.


Hi Prakash,
thank you for replying.

This is what I was talking about

As you can see there is a line wich represent the day and the time is on the side together with the correspondent activity. (8.00 A.M. breakfast, 9.00 A.M. Go to the gym, 10.00 A.M. Go to work, ecc).

Is there a way to make something similar in Pro?

Hi @MrDave,

Thank you for the clarification, regretfully there is no timeline element in Cornerstone builders.

But you can do something like what we did on Integrity Business Demo the timeline that you’re seeing there is a standard 1/2+1/2 columns, then that lines you see in the middle are the section’s background-image set to be center.

Another option, there is an element called Classic Featured List, this is not really a timeline element but this will let you create a simple timeline-like section.

Another option is to use a 3rd party plugin, test some of these free Timeline Plugins and see which one fits your needs.

Hope it helps,

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