Header sizes - H1 etc

Could you please help me out how I use the text sizes Heading the best?
Now that Yoast is working better, I see that I need to do somethin about my headings in one of my websites.

I see I can change the sizes on different places. But I do not know which I can take best.

The Setup - and change the base font size - when changing the tag to f.i. H2

Or lower at the text format:

What is the difference?

And what is the difference of this last one when put the Font Family on ‘inherit’ or ‘headings’ (or body copy)’?
What is the best use for SEO.

thanks in advance.

Hi @lvandeemter,

When you wish to have your target element a larger size than the rest. Let’s say you have 3 elements and each one have similar font size (PRIMARY TEXT FORMAT) and you decided to increase the second element a bit, then instead of modifying the primary text format setting, just change the base font size.

That way, you can just revert it back without needing to change other local settings of the element.

You may also check this related thread for more info:

This actually has nothing to do with SEO. Setting the font family to inherit means the headline text element will have the same font as its parent while setting it to headings other option will set the specific fonts that is set in the font manager to that element.

Hope this explains it.

Yes, it does. Thanks for your help.

You’re welcome @lvandeemter!
We’re glad @Jade were able to help you out.

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