Feature request: Setting Statbar lenght with dynamic content


I’d love to use dynamic content from a looper of mine to set the lenght of the Statbar element. I guess it will have to be given as a percentage, but I can easily have the looper output be a clean number between 0 and 100. Is there currently any way to do this?


Hello @harpbandoneon,

Thanks for writing in! Regretfully only the Label of the bar element can use the dynamic content.

Screen Shot 2021-06-04 at 9.06.54 AM

At the moment, the stat bar length is dependent on the slider. You cannot use dynamic content in this option.

Screen Shot 2021-06-04 at 9.07.22 AM

What you have in mind is something we can add to our list of feature requests. This way it can be taken into consideration for future development. All of these items are discussed with our team internally and prioritized based on the amount of interest a particular feature might receive.


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Hi @harpbandoneon,

I wanted to followup here to let you know that in Pro 5 and Cornerstone 6 we added the ability to use Dynamic Content in styling options. You’ll have to hand write in the value like {{dc:post:meta key="something" fallback="58%"}} but it will work. We’re going to add a UI to access Dynamic Content for those fields visually a bit down the road.