Error "The preview was unresponsive after loading

Hey @flashfog,

Thanks for updating. I was able to login to your FTP. There are several factors that could cause issues in your site not only to Cornerstone. But, I’ll point out first the most probable cause. cornerstone-endpoint directory is being blocked. Please contact your host to whitelist it from Mod Security or other security systems they are using. See the Secure Note how I saw that error. Maybe you can show that to your web host so they have an idea.

I also see that you’ve increase memory but it is not taking effect. You will need to contact your web host regarding this.

I would recommend though that you move your site to a managed WordPress host to avoid most server setup issues. Here’s a guide in choosing a web host.


I think you really got the hosting provider people scratching their heads! right now I am waiting to hear back from them.

Also… thank you for showing these other issues that even if not related, are important and would have gone under the radar. Do you guys have a guide of best practices of everything that needs to be looked at before a page goes fully live? I bet you most people never look at this. THANKS

Curious, when you say

I also see that you’ve increase memory but it is not taking effect.

How did you determine this?

These guys are supposed to be very strong in WP hosting. I even run my own virtual private server. Let’s see how well they respond to this complicated case…

THANKS i will let you know what they say

Regretfully, we don’t have a checklist but the general best practice is, you should develop in staging first then recreate or copy it to your live site. The technical aspect of that varies though. Cornerstone could operate in a 256MB of memory and it works out of the box in most web hosts. But if you have a lot of operations in your site from other plugins and/or systems that might not be enough so your overall requirements depends on the actual usage of your system including the theme and plugins.

I saw you have added this code in your wp-config.php

define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );
define( 'WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT', '512M' );

And, I also saw you increased the memory limit in php.ini.

Ok I see how you determined that we tried to up the limit. How did you determine that it is not taking effect?

Thanks for the advice re: staging.

Hi there,

By checking the error, try editing the page /security_smoke_installation/ and it will still display the same error, Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 876609536) (tried to allocate 839680 bytes) and I think I know why,

You only increased it up to 256MB, but the error is trying to allocate 876609536 bytes which is equivalent to 876MB and that error is pointing to testwordpress/wp-includes/wp-db.php, perhaps your hosting could provide further information about the error, 800MB allocation is too big and something is trying to use it (especially in database related functions)


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