Enabling Srcset in Pro by Themeco

Hi there,

I wanted to follow up to see if Srcset is available for Pro yet? One large image can impact page performance as you know and it would be amazing if srcset is supported for images in Pro so that at different media sizes there arent speed implications on smaller devices.

If its still on the roadmap after a few years, what are my alternatives in the meantime if this feature is not going to be released anytime soon.

Here is the thread I am referencing for context, Feature Request: Add support for srcset!

Best, Anton

Hello Anton,

Thanks for posting in! In our Beta forum when we release Pro 4.x.x, a lot of users discussed about this. This is still disabled in the theme. Meanwhile, @Christian provided a way to enable it in the theme. Kindly check this out:

Best Regards.

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